Home Emmerdale Emmerdale’s Nate Robinson to make a surprise decision following the split with...

Emmerdale’s Nate Robinson to make a surprise decision following the split with Tracy


Emmerdale‘s Nate Robinson delights his ex-wife Tracy during the episode on Wednesday (February 7.) as he refuses to go away from their home as a family.

Nate decides to take the action because it is clear that he could have been a bit too much at Caleb Miligan’s home.

The newlyweds were devastated in the last week when Tracy abruptly cut off their relationship just a little over a year of marriage, claiming that they didn’t fit their relationship.

Tracy decided to not reveal the details of her latest affair with Caleb However, Nate realized that she was avoiding coming to terms about the true reasons for their separation.

An enraged Caleb felt sorry for Nate and offered him an accommodation and he promptly regretted his choice when the circumstance in Mill Cottage became awkward.

In the Wednesday episode, Nate realizes the fact that Caleb, Nicky and newly arrived Ruby aren’t completely content in his new home at the Mill So he makes a promise to find a new arrangement.

Tracy is shocked at the moment Nate declares that he’ll soon return home to Tracy until he’s able to find the right place to live.

After Nate declaring the right of him to live in the home, Tracy is forced to be adamant that they stay together to protect their little daughter Frankie.

The relationship between the couple before it remains so difficult Do you think this is an appropriate option?

In actual life, Amy Walsh – who portrays Tracy In real life, Amy Walsh – who plays Tracy has recently spoken about how she was crying as she read the break-up scenes onscreen as Tracy.

She shared with “What to Watch”: “It’s really difficult. The scenes in question really shook me emotionally. My parents divorced when I was 2 years old, which is why I am able to connect with the situation a bit. This isn’t easy for everyone.”


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