Home Home And Away 13 big Home and Away spoilers for the coming week

13 big Home and Away spoilers for the coming week

13 big Home and Away spoilers for the coming week
13 big Home and Away spoilers for the coming week

What’s coming up what’s next Summer Bay?

Home and Away spoilers are available to UK people.

On Home as well as On the Move, Justin’s in danger as his fearful Leah is threatening Justin with knives.

In other places, Felicity tries to atone for past mistakes while Mac’s health takes yet another negative turn.

The following is an entire collection of 13 major moments that are coming in the near future.

1. Leah gets into chaos

Leah’s fear of the unknown has led her to believe Justin has been working for Vita Nova and she tells Theo she must bring Justin to the police.

Rose shares her concerns about the fact that Leah must see an ophthalmologist, however Leah believes she’s been taken over by the religious cult also.

When Justin is to the train station Leah appears to be in complete emotional turmoil. In a state of denial, she is unable to confront her boyfriend and her rage, she runs towards the Diner and shackles herself.

2. Leah threats Justin with the knife

Channel 5

Justin finds a way to find a way to enter the Diner but is confronted by Leah carrying knives.

Theo as well as Theo insist that she take down the gun, however, as the screams of Leah grow, Justin decides to call to Bree.

Doctors are able to communicate with Leah around and take her to the hospital, however she is in a state of confusion. Leah is only able to form a vague memory of what’s occurred.

3. Leah quits Summer Bay

Channel 5

In the next morning, Bree explains to Justin and Theo that Leah had a psychotic attack that was probably triggered through the trauma she suffered and lack of sleep.

Justin soothes Leah and she realizes that she requires professional assistance that isn’t accessible local.

In the end, Leah bids an emotional goodbye to the people she loves before she heads off to an psychiatric clinic from Bay.

4. It’s Roo who comes to our rescue

Jeremy Greive//Channel 5

At The Surf Club, Roo has had her hands full working to take care of John’s previous job.

She recommends Alf Alf she should bring John’s “Summer Beach Surf Club Bible’ Alf in the hopes that it might entice him come back to company.

However, Roo’s attempts backfire after John says he’s about to launch his own company that will be the Surf Safety School for aspiring lifeguards.

5. John finds his job back

Channel 5

News of the Surf Safety School does not go over well with Alf He confronts John and then finally convinces John to acknowledge his regrets about his time at the Surf Club.

Then, Alf meets with Henderson to argue John’s cause However, the words he says don’t make a dent. The surf committee, however, are much more accommodating they decide to restore John immediately.

If Henderson discovers He warns the Club that there are going to be severe consequences to the Club.

6. Bree Reminisces about her agonizing past

Channel 5

Remi gets a call from Bree She’s evidently suffering from a mental breakdown.

He meets up with his friend at the beach and she tearsfully shares that the past year has passed after the passing of her abusive husband Jacob.

Bree acknowledges that she couldn’t recall the date of her wedding anniversary to her husband who she was tied with for 7 years. She wonders what kind of person she was.

7. Mac is prone to making a major error.

Channel 5

In the hospital, Mac says to Levi that she’s struggling with her health after her heart surgery.

She entices Xander to look at her graph and is encouraged by the positive results from the chart.

His enthusiasm prompts Mac to rebel against the doctors’ orders and discharge her from the hospital. However, could Xander not have been aware of the risk to the recovery of his friend?

8. Mac begins to regret the decision she made.

Channel 5

Levi is aware that it’s way too early for the fragile Mac to let him go and is furious at Xander for insinuating the notion to her brain.

If Mac returns home, Mac realizes that she could had listened to doctors.

In the midst of her anxiety, Mac acknowledges to Tane that, if anything happens today Mac is a long way from getting help.

9. Levi is confronted by Eden

Channel 5

In the midst of Eden not speaking with his mother, Levi asks Remi if they can help ease the situation between his sibling.

Eden does not want to learn the truth, so she’s left to Cash to give her some hard-hitting home facts.

In the next scene, Eden is taken by surprised after Levi arrives. But their peace talks go off the rails by Levi’s announcement that she has to decide what the next step is.

10. Felicity and Eden switch to Cash

Channel 5

The tensions remain high in the relationship between Felicity as well as Harper and this hasn’t been overlooked by Cash.

When they learn of their fight, Cash orders his sister to express his condolences to Harper But Felicity isn’t happy to be given a list of things she should do.

The woman reveals her feelings her worries to Eden She also shares her feelings about Cash insisting that she see Levi. However, when Remi is listening in He quickly reminds each woman of the things Cash has done for them.

11. Felicity and Eden both come to terms with their mistakes

Channel 5

As Remi’s words echo within her ears Felicity is try to fix things by reuniting Harper as well as Mac.

The ladies both accept the apology of Tane and Felicity gets up to the courage to request her wedding picture return to Tane.

In the meantime, Eden makes amends with Cash and the two decide to plan for the future together.

12. Justin has a good reason to smile once more

Channel 5

Following Leah’s demise, Justin blames himself for not being aware of the dramatic decline in her mental state.

Kirby is there to help take his thoughts off and Justin feels awed by the song she shared with him. she and Theo planned to delight him during the wedding.

He is still hoping that the pair Leah are going to have a happy conclusion, Justin suggests to Kirby to finish the song with each other.

13. Mac’s health takes a worrying change

Endemol Shine//Channel 5

The week is drawing towards a close Mac remains battling her healing and the thought of late-night doom scrolling just fuels her fear of being ill in the future.

In the morning, Mac starts experiencing chest discomfort and starts banging on the door of Tane’s, calling for help immediately.

Does she have an additional heart attack?


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