This New Year the residents of Coronation Street will see more than just the Rovers Return as a familiar face arrives home.

Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) left Weatherfield behind in 2020, but she is set to return in tonight’s (December 31) episode.

When ex-boyfriend Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) spots her, his face lights up, and with Daniel and Daisy Midgeley’s (Charlotte Jordan) relationship in tatters, could they be set to rekindle what they once had?

Meanwhile, Jenny Connor (Sally Ann Matthews) urges a gloomy Daisy to go and patch things up with a New Year’s kiss, but when Daisy arrives at Daniel’s flat, what will she find?

Elsewhere, sparks appear to fly between Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson) and Sarah Platt (Tina O’Brien) when both of them admit to each other that they’d lied about having hot dates.

Instead, the pair settle down for a glass of champagne each, and it is clear that they still fancy each other.

Over at the Rovers, Jenny and Daisy survey the room as the locals muck in to help prepare for the grand reopening.

As Jenny, Glenda Shuttleworth (Jodie Prenger), Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) and Gemma Winter (Dolly-Rose Campbell) compare their bad taste in outfits, one resident takes umbrage with the costume theme.

Elsewhere, things go from bad to worse for Ed Bailey (Trevor Michael Georges) when daughter Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) can’t stay on her sofa forever. Instead, she suggests that they call a Bailey family meeting to come up with a solution to their problems once and for all.

With Dom having scarpered with £10,000 from Stu Carpenter (Bill Fellows), Stu tells Yasmeen Metcalfe (Shelley King) that he thinks he should tell Eliza Woodrow (Savannah Kunyo) the truth to stop her blaming herself for her dad’s disappearance.

However, Yasmeen disagrees, fearing that this would turn Eliza against the only family she has left.


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